Research and Publications

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Dr. Kris Wilson has published in prominent peer-reviewed journals, book chapters, juried papers and dozens of other publications examining the role of the media to communicate science, especially climate change, with the primary goal to improve the process and enhance public understanding. After beginning an award-winning career in broadcast news, Kris earned a Master’s from The Ohio State University as a prestigious Kiplinger Fellow specializing in environmental and public policy journalism.

After producing notable environmental reporting and his first faculty assignment in Alaska, he returned to the lower 48 to earn a doctorate in geography at the University of Colorado-Boulder with content area specializations in education, climatology and human-environment interaction.

In 2011 he was elected Fellow to the American Association for the Advancement of Science for his “pioneering research… and excellence in teaching future science communicators.” His scholarly work has been published in journals across disciplines: Public Understanding of Science, Electronic News, Science Communication, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Mass Communication Review and National Weather Digest.

He’s authored three book chapters in three different publications: Environmental Leadership, The Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Communication, and Environmental Risks and the Media. His work has also received robust media attention, including articles in The New York Times and Columbia Journalism Review to coverage on Nightline, The CBS Evening News, The Daily Show and The Colbert Report.

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